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2013 Digital Marketplace Seminar

HKIRC – 2013 Digital Marketplace


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Date : 1 August, 2013 (Thursday)
日期 : 2013年8月1日 (星期四)
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Time : 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
時間 : 上午9時至下午6時
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Venue : Function Room, Core F, Level 3, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road
地點 : 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區)3樓會議廳
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Fee : Free
費用 : 全免
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The Internet has been growing rapidly over the years and has come to a prosperous stage. Has the online environment for start-ups been changed and become more favourable now? Organized by HKIRC, the Digital Marketplace Seminar (DMP) is entering its fifth year. This year, we will discuss the latest trends and development opportunities of online business and the marketplace.

With the theme of “Online Opportunities for Start-ups”, the Seminar will focus on how young entrepreneurs turn their business concepts into actions, overcome challenges to set up online business and stand out from the crowd in a competitive marketplace. Making a foothold in the digital market requires leveraging the power of the Internet and social media. At the same time, entrepreneurs and business enterprises should keep abreast of insightful and first-hand market knowledge and be better prepared for new business opportunities in the digital marketplace.


今年「2013數碼市場 - 創業家的網上機遇」研討會的主題圍繞年青企業家在互聯網創業,如何由營商理念轉化為網上實踐動力,克服困難,無懼創業挑戰,以及利用互聯網及社交媒體捕足市場心得,在競爭激烈的環境中突圍而出。同時,創業家和中小企亦應緊貼市場,掌握第一手資訊,為迎接數碼市場的機遇早作準備!

Topics 講座內容

Latest Development of Hong Kong e-Business and opportunities for local start-up, big data, web accessibility, online advertising and social media and success cases sharing.

本地最新網上營商發展及創業機遇、big data、無障礙網站、網上廣告及社交網絡、以及企業成功個案。

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Speakers 講者
Click here to registeror before 12 July, 2013 (Friday).Seats are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.Attendees will receive a follow up phone call to confirm registration details, and an e-notification confirming their seats 2 weeks before the event.Attendees can also redeem free lunch and free shuttle bus with the e-notification.請於2013年7月12日(星期五)或之前登記參加。座位有限,先到先得。與會者將收到電話確認登記資料,並會於活動兩星期前收到電子通知書確認其座位,並可憑通知書換取免費午餐及穿梭巴士接送。

Enquiry 查詢

Tel 熱線: 2319 3835 / 2319 3839                        E-mail電郵: marketing@hkirc.hk

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